Industry News

Category: Pharmaceutical

The Irish Life Science industry plays a vital role in economic recovery, creating thousands of jobs for the year ahead

Posted Nov 1, 2018

Following on from the latest IBEC report the Irish economy is now experiencing a period of rapid expansion and despite the uncertainty BREXIT has caused the foundations look solid as ...
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What does Brexit mean for the Life Science industry?

Posted Oct 17, 2018

Brexit is a hot topic in the news at the moment, but what does it mean for the Life Science industry? While the eventual outcome and effects of Brexit (Deal/No-Deal) are ...
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Ireland’s Biotech Boom

Posted Oct 5, 2018

The current boom in the Irish Biopharma market (Biotech and Pharma) has extended to virtually every corner of Ireland.  Earlier this year we had more exciting news as WuXi Biologics ...
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Opportunities in the Booming Bio sector!

Posted Sep 28, 2018

If you're looking for opportunities in the Irish Biotech sector there is no time like the present! Over the last ten years Ireland has won over €10+ billion of investment in ...
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LSC Tax and Financial Planning Seminar

Posted Jun 29, 2018

LSC held a tax and financial planning seminar in Cork this week for contractors in the LSC network. From conversations with our consultants we know these areas are major pain points ...
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The importance of CPD for Life Science contractors

Posted Jun 13, 2018

The Irish Life Science industry is a significant contributor to the Irish economy and was a key element in the economic recovery following the economic downturn in 2008/09. The sector ...
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Ireland’s Biotech Boom

Posted May 10, 2018

The current boom in the Irish Biopharma market (Biotech and Pharma) has extended to virtually every corner of Ireland.  Earlier this year we had more exciting news as WuXi Biologics ...
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Cybersecurity for Process Automation

Posted Mar 4, 2018

LSC will be exhibiting at the upcoming ISA event - Cybersecurity for the Process, Control & Automation Industry. The conference will take place on Friday, April 13th at the Rochestown Park ...
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Connect with LSC at BioPharma Ambition 2018

Posted Feb 8, 2018

LSC will be exhibiting at BioPharma Ambition 2018 on 21st and 22nd February at The Printworks, Dublin Castle. Arrange a meeting with us in advance in case we don’t get the ...
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Connect with LSC at BioPharma Ambition 2018

Posted Feb 8, 2018

LSC will be exhibiting at BioPharma Ambition 2018 on 21st and 22nd February at The Printworks, Dublin Castle. Arrange a meeting with us in advance in case we don’t get the ...
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