Is Project Engineering for you?

Posted Sep 3, 2017

Engineers week 2017: March 4th – 10th 2017

Engineers week celebrates and promotes engineering as a career across all industries in Ireland. At LSC we are always happy to share our industry knowledge to promote and to educate on all things engineering.

At LSC we work closely with our network of engineers connecting them to leading projects within the Pharma, Biotech and Medical Device sectors. One of the engineering roles we have seen a significant growth in during the past 10 years is the role of a Project Engineer. In the Life Sciences sector, Project Engineering is a role that means different things to different people.

We have put together a video below and some information on Project Engineering to give you a taster of working in the industry!

What is Project Engineering?

Project Engineering bridges the boundaries between engineering and project management. A Project Engineer can often be described as a liaison between the Project Manager and the technical disciplines involved in a project. A Project Engineer is often the primary technical point of contact for the client on a project, ensuring that the technical aspects of the project are properly understood, specified, designed, planned and executed. A key part of the Project Engineer’s role is understanding and communicating the client’s technical requirements.
On a number of our client sites a Project Engineer can often act as both the Project Manager and Technical Engineer on smaller equipment upgrade or refit projects.

Is Project Engineering a good career option?

Project Engineers are always in demand, in particular at the moment due to the current expansion in the Biotech, Pharma and Med Device sector.

A Project Engineering role allows you to continue to have a technical input into a project and also be people focused when working with your client and customers to understand their needs and deliver an appropriate solution. It is an ideal opportunity to broaden your skill set and increase your onsite visibility or project profile. A Project Engineering role is often a good stepping stone to Project Management.

What do I need to apply for a Project Engineering role?

Project Engineers come from a variety of backgrounds depending on the project they are supporting, for example a large equipment installation will look for Project Engineers with a mechanical, electrical or possibly even an automation engineering background. The key attributes a client is looking for is for the Project Engineer to be technical, team focused and a good communicator. If you tick these boxes then Project Engineering might be for you.

A career with LSC is a lifetime of opportunities:

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