Biologics Process Technical Specialist

View all of our Biologics Process Technical Specialist jobs

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 results
Biologics Process Technical Specialist

Process Cleaning Representative

LSC have a great contract opportunity for a Process Cleaning Representative to join a leading Global Pharmaceutical company based in Cork. ABOUT THE PROJECT - ...

  • Posted Sep 28, 2023
  • Cork
  • Contract
  • BBBH26950
Biologics Process Technical Specialist

Process Simulation Technical Engineer

LSC have a great contract opportunity for a Process Simulation Technical Engineer to join a global Biopharmaceutical company in Carlow. This is a state-of-the-art vaccines ...

  • Posted Sep 8, 2023
  • Carlow
  • Contract
  • BBBH26889
Biologics Process Technical Specialist

Process Engineer

LSC have a great contract opportunity for a Process Engineer to join a global Biopharmaceutical company in Carlow. This is a state-of-the-art vaccines and biologics ...

  • Posted Aug 31, 2023
  • Carlow
  • Contract
  • BBBH26865
Biologics Process Technical Specialist

Process Technical Specialist

LSC have a great contract opportunity for a Process Technical Specialist to join a global Biopharmaceutical company in Cork. The facility specializes in the fermentation, ...

  • Posted Aug 10, 2023
  • Cork
  • Contract
  • BBBH26786

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  • Partners to the world’s top Life Science companies we offer you the best contract opportunities in the industry
  • 95% of LSC contracts are renewed letting you choose contracting as a long term career option
  • LSC’s Consultant Success Programme focuses on skills development & on-site support to help you achieve your career goals!

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