LSC Biotech Week 2017

Posted Sep 25, 2017

Welcome to LSC Biotech Week 2017

Biotech week at LSC kicks of today, 25th to 29th September 2017.  We are going to bring you lots of interesting information on the Biotech sector in Ireland, but more importantly we are going to get out there and engage with the Biotech sector and bring you feedback from what’s happening out there.

We have lots on this week to support Biotech week in Ireland.

  • Check out our blogs every day this week
  • Oisin will be presenting careers in Biotech to Students in UCC on Tuesday and Wednesday this week
  • Amparo will be showcasing biotech project opportunities in Ireland at the CESIF jobs fair in Madrid
  • Kieran, Annette and James will be attending the ISPE Europe Biotech seminar in Dublin on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Why is Biotech so important for LSC?

Biotech is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Irish economy. The workforce in Biotech is expected to double between 2016 and 2019. This is a phenomenal achievement when you consider that approximately 20 years ago, Ireland had about 50 Biopharma companies, most of whom were engaged in small molecule manufacturing. In 2003 only three Biotech large molecule companies had manufacturing bases in Ireland. Today there are over 18 Biotech manufacturing facilities, the government has funded the creation of NiBRT as a dedicated training and research facility and the Biopharma sector in total is close to 300 companies.

All of this activity bodes well for the future of Biopharma in Ireland and offers enormous opportunities to all those professionals working in the sector.

A career in the Biotech sector

Call us to find out more about biotech career opportunities for you.

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