LSC sponsor the KCS Science and Technology award

Posted Apr 10, 2017

LSC would like to thank Kinsale Community School (KCS) for the opportunity to sponsor the Science and Technology award as part of the student recognition program “Eacht na Scolairí” (for the fourth time), which was held on Friday 31st of March 2017. The event was a great opportunity to get a glimpse into the commitment and effort of the KCS staff and also to see first-hand the calibre of the student body. We were highly impressed listening to the achievements of the students in each of their respective fields and classes. The dedication, commitment and confidence of all the students on the night bodes well for the future of Kinsale and this country.

LSC would like to congratulate Ciara Walsh winner of the Science and Technology award for 2016 and wish her all the best with her future studies and career.

Pictured from left to right:
Professor Brian McCraith, President, DCU
Oisin O’Diomasaigh, LSC
Ciara Walsh, KCS Science and Technology Award Winner 2016
Sr Rita Twomey, Chairperson of board of management, KCS
Fergal McCarthy, Principal, KCS

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