Another successful year for I Wish 2018

Posted Jan 29, 2018

LSC were once again delighted to be part of the I Wish event encouraging girls to pursue STEM. On day one Gillian Keating (co-founder I Wish) spoke passionately about the need for girls to understand and have access to information on careers in STEM. The need for us to influence and guide teachers (the gatekeepers) to equip them with the information to feedback to students and to provide visible female role models in STEM. This gave an overview of what the two days held in store.

As thousands of girls descended upon the City Hall LSC joined the BPCI Biopharma Zone stand alongside, Eli Lilly, Hovione and Janssen to talk to inquisitive students on careers in the Life Sciences. LSC’s Ops Director Annette Keane joined the panel on Friday to share her personal experience in STEM, telling how her choices led her somewhere she hadn’t imagined. From initially having a passion for Science, going on to study Chemistry and on graduation deciding a life in the lab was not for her, took a different path and landed her first job in Engineering. Annette spent 12 years as a Validation Engineer working on-site with world leading Pharma and Biotech companies; now as Operations Director of LSC, Annette draws on the experience she has gained in industry to work with clients and consultants on the consultancy side of Life Sciences. A new experience with a new skill-set!

The main message from Annette and many other inspirational women on the day was that STEM can take you anywhere. The knowledge and skills you gain are transferable and will open up a whole new world of opportunities. This message was amplified at the interactive exhibition stands where the girls could see first-hand what a career in STEM might look like!

The goal of the event was certainly ambitious but the need for change is essential. At LSC as we look to the future of Life Sciences we know young females of today are vital to the success of the industry. We are seeing amazing job opportunities in Pharma, Biotech and Med Device but with the current skill shortages there is not the indigenous talent to fill them. If we work together to address the current gender imbalance, empowering girls with initiatives like I Wish jobs will be filled by the young talented women of today who pursue STEM.

I Wish is taking place in Dublin on January 29th – 30th.
To find out more about I Wish click here.

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